This site has been a collective effort and would not have possible without the generous contributions of digital assets of both POW! WOW! Worcester and the Worcester Historical Museum.
The site was created, designed and published by Digital Worcester using the open source digital humanities platforms Omeka and Curatescape. Thanks to the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University and the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities at Cleveland State University, where the platforms were created and continue to be refined.
Digital Worcester is a project of Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Department of Humanities and Arts and Worcester Historical Museum. This project was supported in part by a grant to WPI from National Endowment for the Humanities through its Humanities Connections Program (Joseph Cullon, Principal Investigator).
Joseph Cullon, Director of Digital Worcester and WPI Associate Teaching Professor
Sarah E. Kwatinetz, Digital Worcester Research Assistant, WPI Class of 2021
Brittany D. Goldstein, Digital Worcester Research Assistant, WPI Class of 2021
William Wallace, Executive Director, Worcester Historical Museum
Wendy Essery, Library and Archive Manager, Worcester Historical Museum
Jessica Walsh, POW! WOW! Worcester
Travis Duda, POW! WOW! Worcester